+27 11 483 9700

The IEB works in an educational environment of extremes – state and independent schools; well-resourced and under-resourced schools; exceptional teaching that compares very well with the best in the world and classrooms in which, at best, teaching is synonymous with reading from a set of notes or a textbook, if a teacher is present at all; schools in which integrity and concern for a common good are overriding values and others where success is attained by fair means or foul, where values are secondary to one's own individual needs and desires. One can go on and on describing the range of diverse attitudes, situations and experiences evident in the education landscape in our country, in our region and on our continent.
Faced with the dilemmas that are education in South Africa, the staff and Board members of the IEB are clear that education is as much a philosophical undertaking, underpinned by social as well as educational values, as it is a technical exercise carried out by a professional body of experts.
To be a globally recognised, ethical assessment agency rooted in Africa.
To advance quality teaching and learning through the design, delivery, and promotion of innovative and relevant assessments and services.
Through our assessments, we are motivated to develop learners who are:
critical users of information
ethical reasoners
problem solvers
creative and reflective thinkers
lifelong learners
society members respectful of diversity, particularly in the Southern African context
active citizens who are committed to upholding the principles of the South African Constitution and the wellbeing of all people.
The work of the IEB is underpinned by a commitment to the values of:
Commitment and service
The IEB supports the position that actively promoting quality education for every South African citizen is fundamental in establishing a just, open society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights, in which cultural diversity is appreciated and embraced.
IEB Strategic Plan 2024 - 2028
Explore our strategic plan for 2024 - 2028 here: Strategic Plan Summary