+27 11 483 9700

The IEB was registered in 1988 to replace the Joint Matriculation Board as an alternative assessment body to the provinces and various state examining boards for the Senior Certificate examination. Its key founding principle was to provide an examination of quality for schools that were not racially discriminatory and hence were unable to register all their candidates through one of the examining authorities other than the DET. Its primary driving force has grown well beyond this to a broader concern with quality assessment practice in education and training.
The IEB offers a range of assessments, with an overriding intention to provide innovative quality instruments that promote the development of sound assessment practices in schools. The IEB implemented the National Senior Certificate examination for the first time in 2008 and is recognised for its high quality, consistently good results, and the emphasis it places on higher-order thinking skills.
The rigorous approach to adult examinations in South Africa was pioneered by the IEB and the examinations are nationally recognised for their high quality. The IEB continues to contribute regularly to national debates and discussions on assessment and quality assurance practices. The assessment division of the IEB is accredited as an assessment body by Umalusi to offer the National Senior Certificate (NSC) and the General Education and Training Certificate (GETC).
The IEB serves as an Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). The IEB is a registered Non-Profit Company (NPC) in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008, originally registered as a Section 21 company under the 1973 Act. There are no shareholders to whom a dividend is paid.
The IEB has met the requirements as a non-profit organisation with the Department of Social Development and has been approved by the South African Revenue Service as a public benefit organisation. Its Board of Directors serves the organisation voluntarily without any remuneration. The training division of IEB is a private company called ASSET (IEB Assessment Education and Training (Pty) Ltd) and is accredited as a provider by the ETDP SETA. Accredited training courses on assessment, moderation, design, and development as well as facilitation are offered against standards registered on the NQF.