The Independent Examinations Board (IEB) attained an overall pass rate of 98.46% in the 2023 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations. The pass rate is slightly higher than the 2022 NSC pass rate of 98.42%. All candidates who passed the IEB 2023 NSC examination achieved a pass that grants access to tertiary study at one of the three levels:
88.59% of the cohort achieved entry to degree study, compared to 89.32% in 2022.
8.31% qualified for entry to diploma study, compared to 7.52% in 2022.
1.57% achieved entry for study at the Higher Certificate level, same as the1.57% in 2022
13 967 full-time and 1213 part-time candidates, a total of 15 180 wrote the Independent Examinations Board (IEB) NSC examinations in October and November 2023 at 275 examination centres. This is more than the 12 580 full-time candidates and 945 part-time candidates, a total of 13 525 in 2022.