+27 11 483 9700
NQF Level 1

The General Education and Training Certificate for Adults (GETC) is equivalent to an NQF Level 1 qualification. Obtaining this qualification allows learners access to learnership programmes offered from NQF Level 2 onwards.
In order to obtain the GETC qualification at Level 1, learners need to be deemed competent in the following learning areas:
Communication in English
Mathematical Literacy
Life Orientation*
Small, Medium & Micro Enterprises*
Natural Sciences*
The following two electives can ONLY be written in November:
Human and Social Sciences
Economic and Management Sciences
* Offered at the June and November National examinations
The IEB offers national examinations in Communication in English and Mathematical Literacy NQF 1 in June and November as well as Examinations on Request (EOR) in March and September.
Download the AET Information Booklet
Download the Exam Event Form here
Placement Assessments
To ensure the effectiveness of the learning process, it is recommended that the centre correctly identifies each learner’s entry level before beginning the AET learning programme. To facilitate this, the IEB offers placement assessments aligned to the exit level of the applicable unit standards.
For further assistance, please contact Sandile Buthelezi on 011 483 9700 or e-mail AET Assessments