+27 11 483 9700
DHET Registration Details
The process is outlined below for ease of reference.
Accredited private education and training providers which are not registered with the DHET but are currently accredited to offer OQSF qualifications and / or part qualifications must register with the DHET. Details on the registration are available on the DHET’s website at Applications for registration must be submitted by the 30th June 2017 to the relevant Directorates in DHET. All registrations must be completed by 1st January 2018.
Private education and training providers which are already registered with the DHET for OQSF qualifications and / or part qualifications may continue with their current offerings. They are required to apply for re-registration with the DHET when their registration ends, but not later than 1st July 2018. Applications for re-registration must be addressed to the relevant Directorates in the DHET.
Private education and training providers currently registered with the DHET for qualifications and / or part qualifications on the DFETQSF and the HEQSF wishing to extend their scope of provision to offer additional qualifications and / or part qualifications that are registered on the OQSF need only apply with the QCTO for accreditation of these additional qualifications and part qualifications and submit a request to the DHET to amend their registrations to include the additional accredited qualifications and / or part qualifications. Such applications must be directed to the relevant Directorates in the DHET.
Download the Joint Communique 1 and the registration form